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Nine-month 2019 PresentationNine-month 2019 Presentation with appendix
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Q1 2019 PresentationQ1 2019 Presentation with appendix
We are committed to transparent reporting and we endeavor to drive our economic, social and environmental performance with the same diligence as our financial performance.

Our approach to non-financial reporting

Roche’s non-financial reporting is directed by theand assured by PricewaterhouseCoopers. The data and information collected serves as a guide for reviewing and adjusting the sustainability strategy. We firmly believe that transparent reporting helps us improve our business. We are committed to communicating relevant, clear, balanced and accurate information to our stakeholders.

Reporting scope

We provide integrated information about Roche’s financial and non-financial performance in ouras well as in ourand cover all regions and divisions from 1 January to 31 December 2023.

The reporting scope is defined and outlined in our Finance Report and there have been no significant changes in scope in 2023 compared to 2022.

Data collection and external assurance

Each year Roche requires all its entities to provide data and information covering economic, social and environmental indicators, which are consolidated at the group level. Specifically, the grants donations and sponsorship (GSD) data collection process is detailedWe track our performance against key financial and non-financial indicators, that are defined in ourand grouped under our main areas of engagementOur current Annual Report includes anprepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers AG.

ESG Index

A comprehensive overview to navigate through our sustainability initiatives & reporting across the three pillars of ESG: Environment, Society and Governance.

Alignment with sustainability frameworks

Roche’s disclosure disclosure is aligned with leading sustainability frameworks and reporting standards, including: 

  • GRI
    As part of Roche's efforts to advance sustainability reporting, we support the activities of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) as a Community member and advocate its mission to empower decision makers worldwide, through the GRI sustainability reporting standards and its multi-stakeholder network to take action towards a more sustainable world.Roche has been using the Global Reporting Initiative as a guide and reference point since 2005. In 2022, we conducted aof key topics that are highly relevant to us and to our key stakeholders in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards.

  • European Chemical Industry Council’s
    We follow the European Chemical Industry Council’s () Responsible Care Reporting Guidelines for our reporting. 

  • ISO 26000
    Roche recognises and follows the international standard

Sustainability commitments and initiatives

Roche is committed to several sustainability initiatives, including: 

  • 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
    Roche contributes to a number of the(SDGs) and its 169 specific targets within the sphere of our work. We are particularly pleased to see a dedicated goal on Health (SDG 3). This is important as health plays a crucial role in societal and economic development.

  • UN Global Compact
    Roche has been ato the UN Global Compact since 2021. Ourshows our commitment to making the UNGC and its ten principles part of our strategy, culture and day-to-day operations, and to advancing the broader development goals of the United Nations, in particular the

  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
    Roche is a long-time member of thea global CEO-led organisation working to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world by making sustainable businesses more successful. 

  • Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
    Roche has committed to the Science Based Targets initiative ()

    to achieve net zero for scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions. The SBTi drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organizations to set science-based emissions reduction targets. The SBTi is a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). 

  • Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI)
    Roche has joined theto address emissions across supply chains, patient care pathways, and clinical trials. The SMI Health Systems Taskforce launched at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) with the central aim of accelerating the delivery of net zero, patient centric healthcare systems that improve individual, societal, and planetary health. The public-private partnership brings together CEOs and leaders from AstraZeneca, GSK, Merck, Novo Nordisk, Roche, Samsung Biologics, Sanofi, the Karolinska Institutet, National Health Service England, the Sustainable Healthcare Coalition, UNICEF, the University of Pavia, and the World Health Organization (WHO).

  • Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI)
    Roche is a member of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (), a collaboration of more than 40 pharmaceutical companies and suppliers with a shared vision to establish and promote responsible business practices that continuously improve human rights, ethics, labor, health, safety and environmentally sustainable outcomes for pharmaceutical supply chains ().

  • Valuable 500
    Roche is fully committed to an inclusive culture and signed  thepledge supporting disability inclusion in the workplace.

  • Responsible Care Global Charter
    Roche has signed the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA)

  • AMR Industry Alliance
    Roche is a member of thethat brings together biotech, diagnostics, generics and research-based pharmaceutical companies, to drive and measure industry progress to curb antimicrobial resistance.

External recognitions

Roche has received a silver medal from EcoVadis in the 2023 sustainability assessment. With a total score of 59/10, this places Roche within the top 25% of all the rated companies in 2023 and includes above industry average scores in all four assessed areas of Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.

More about EcoVadis

With a total score of 79/100, Roche was awarded a Top 10% S&P Global ESG Scores in 2023 and was included in theFor the past 15 consecutive years, Roche has maintained its leading ranking, which is based on an in-depth analysis of economic, social and environmental performance.

Access our S&P ESG Score

With a total score of 3.23, Roche ranked 10th in the 2022 Access to Medicine Index.

Access the Roche report cardand download it as a pdf

Annual report 2023Finance report 2023Geschäftsbericht 2023Finanzbericht 2023Half-Year report 2023Halbjahresbericht 2023
Annual report 2022Finance report 2022Geschäftsbericht 2022Finanzbericht 2022Half-Year report 2022Halbjahresbericht 2022
Annual report 2021Finance report 2021Geschäftsbericht 2021Finanzbericht 2021Half-Year report 2021Halbjahresbericht 2021
Annual report 2020Finance report 2020Roche in brief 2020Geschäftsbericht 2020Finanzbericht 2020Half-Year report 2020Halbjahresbericht 2020
Annual report 2019Finance report 2019Roche in brief 2019Geschäftsbericht 2019Finanzbericht 2019Half-Year report 2019Halbjahresbericht 2019
Annual report 2018Finance report 2018Roche in brief 2018Geschäftsbericht 2018Finanzbericht 2018Half-Year report 2018Halbjahresbericht 2018
Annual report 2017Finance report 2017Roche in brief 2017Geschäftsbericht 2017Finanzbericht 2017Half-Year report 2017Halbjahresbericht 2017
Annual report 2016Finance report 2016Roche in brief 2016Geschäftsbericht 2016Finanzbericht 2016Half-Year report 2016Halbjahresbericht 2016
Annual report 2015Finance report 2015Roche in brief 2015Geschäftsbericht 2015Finanzbericht 2015Half-Year report 2015Halbjahresbericht 2015
Annual report 2014Finance report 2014Roche in brief 2014Geschäftsbericht 2014Finanzbericht 2014Half-Year report 2014Halbjahresbericht 2014

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