Strengthening early childhood development in Nepal

This Re&Act-UNICEF collaboration builds on an ECD pilot programme started in 2016, where UNICEF implemented a parental education package in 700 communities in five Nepalese districts.

Early Childhood Development (ECD) services were weak in Nepal, and children faced challenges in reaching their full potential. Although ECD services were accessible to 83% of children, only 36% of ECD centers had adequate classroom space. Additionally, parents and caregivers, despite being aware of the importance of providing young children with nurturing care and protection to reach their developmental potential, often could not provide it due to financial limitations, illiteracy, and limited access to health services.

To guarantee the sustainability of the project, UNICEF also ensured that the communities had the capacity to improve the quality of ECD themselves as well as worked with their local authorities to support access to quality ECD.

Re&Act has been supporting UNICEF in their Local Integrated ECD Plan since 2018. During the first phase of the program, Re&Act helped to conduct face-to-face parental education in 699 communities and broadcasted parental education via radio programmes. Additionally, social media channels were utilized to raise awareness about the radio programme and listener groups were formed to increase its impact. The first phase of the programme ended in 2020.

Now, Re&Act continues their support for UNICEF in the second phase of the programme from 2022 to 2025. During this second phase the gains and methods achieved during the first phase of the program will be used to further develop, deepen and expand the ECD plans and continue making a positive impact on early childhood development in seven municipalities.

Project updates

  • Coordination: 14 ECD coordinators active in municipalities, educating stakeholders about ECD.

  • Local-Level Achievements: Formed local ECD committees, improved pre-primary classrooms in 40 schools, and established breastfeeding rooms with play areas.

  • Implementation: Part of the Government of Nepal’s National ECD Strategy 2020-2030, supported by various international and local partners.

  • Monitoring: Overseeing birth registration and vaccination, securing children's basic rights and services.

UNICEF is a non-governmental organisation that advocates for the protection of children's rights, helps children across the world meet basic needs and expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. Re&Act and UNICEF have partnered to support innovative and sustainable projects for children since 2006.

For more information on UNICEF, click

Photos are courtesy of UNICEF: © UNICEF/Sokol

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