The Roger Federer Foundation (RFF), in partnership with ActionAid Malawi, is working towards improving early childhood education in Malawi. The project aims to achieve this by facilitating effective engagement with government structures at both national and district levels, providing coaching and mentorship to caregivers on the application of key components of the Early Learning Kiosk (ELK), strengthening teacher participation, enhancing parental involvement in children's learning, and implementing a standardized caregiver incentive fund across all targeted Community-Based Childcare Centers (CBCCs).
The project targets 800 CBCCs in 11 districts with the goal to train 800 pre-primary caregivers to provide quality learning for pre-primary class children.
Malawi remains one of the poorest countries in this world, where over 60% children have no access to early education, with 80% of those who do have access receive it under trees and in dilapidated structures. Improving the quality of early childhood development and ensuring that children have access to community-based childhood centres has proven to be a key factor in increasing both enrollment and retention of pupils in primary schools.
Tablet-Based Learning: Distributed 801 tablets with educational apps to CBCCs in 11 districts, along with over 1600 Know-How Manuals.
Learning Groups: Established 241 learning groups among ECD Centres, enhancing teaching quality.
Peer Mentorship: Trained 198 mentors to support caregivers and enhance community involvement in ECD.
CBCC Management Training: Trained all CBCC committees in management, improving community engagement and childcare welfare.
School Readiness: Enrolled 23,146 children in transition classes, with 91% assessed as ready for school.
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