By 2025, through our support, Child's Dream aims to build 35 weather-resistant high-quality schools (benefitting 6,000 students), establish 10 state-of-the-art computer labs (benefitting 4,000 students), and provide 350 students with scholarships.
School Construction: In total 16 schools were built, housing 81 classrooms and benefiting 3,427 students.
Computer Labs: 7 labs were built and equipped, benefitting 2,800 students.
Scholarships: In total, 247 scholarships were granted across Cambodia. 33 students have already graduated.
Child's Dream Foundation is a charitable not-for-profit organisation founded by Daniel Siegfried and Marc Jenni in 2003. The foundation is dedicated to empowering marginalised children, youth and communities in the Mekong Sub-Region of Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia.
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