‘Spinal muscular atrophy is a minor part of my life’

A glimpse into Nadya’s unique life as a passionate artist living with SMA.

“I am Nadya Karachevtseva and my loved ones describe me as a wonderful daughter and a faithful friend.” 

So, what is spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)? It is a rare genetic condition that causes symptoms like muscle weakness, twitching and issues with movement such as walking or sitting up. The symptoms of the condition can vary per person, but Nadya views her condition as a minor part of her life and not what makes her unique. 

Her uniqueness is driven by several passions in her life – she’s a keen traveller, has two degrees majoring in Linguistics and Economics, she’s a translator and has won the Neva Krasa International Beauty and Talent Contest in 2023. But her main passion is painting. Read more to find out where this passion comes from.

Nadya’s interest in art began at school with a desire to memorise the beauty that surrounded her, but blossomed when she joined an art club. Painting pictures became a form of expression and a creative outlet for her. During her first year at university, with support from her teacher and peers, Nadya launched her own art exhibition with her artwork being tied to nature, including landscapes and flowers. 

Many things inspire Nadya to paint, from her environment to influential artists such as Vincent van Gogh. Nadya feels that her emotions are intricately linked to her artwork. Its these emotions that often inspire what she paints, so that when people view her artwork, they can get a glimpse of her emotions. As Nadya paints, she feels an overwhelming sense of calmness, but also excitement at the same time. Her style is gentle and light, taking advantage of water colours to create her art piece. Over time, Nadya’s confidence in her work has grown and she views her art as one of the many things that make her who she is.

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