We can all be patients or caregivers

I am a Roche health economic statistician. I am a mother. I am also a caregiver. We are all so much more than the titles we put behind our names.

Most days I work as a Health Technology Assessment Evidence Lead in the Global Access Organisation, where we discuss what is most relevant to patients and caregivers, and how Roche can make the most meaningful impact on peoples’ lives. I use a highly analytical, conceptual and pragmatic mindset to look at facts, figures, outcomes and endpoints in regard to our work with patients. 

During the other days, I am a mom with my family: three lovely girls aged 6, 10 and 12 years. We always knew that my middle daughter was different. Despite numerous exams, nobody had been able to put a “label” on her –  until a few years ago when she was finally diagnosed with autism.

Insights from those who know

In return, teams across Roche will be able to better understand the unmet needs of patients and caregivers, and can use these insights to design their research to ensure the best possible outcomes. Project leaders can reach out to community members through the CareRing core team for quick and easy collaboration. Privacy is very important, so colleagues can decide about their level of data disclosure and can remain anonymous to others.

CareRing will never replace our external engagements with the patient community; it complements them. Teams who otherwise would never have been able to collaborate with patients or to brainstorm at a very early stage with caregivers are now able to do so through this volunteer employee network. We can then test and validate these insights externally. 

I am a Roche health economic statistician. I am a mother. I am also a caregiver. We are all so much more than the titles we put behind our names – we are individuals with insights, challenges, questions, hope, empathy and a passion for making a difference. We can all be patients or caregivers. I am very happy to be part of this community and to connect with other Roche patients and caregivers around the world. 

The CareRing program was recognized as a Pharma Awards Europe 2020 winner in the Most Promising MVP/Pilot category.

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