Fighting fibrosis together

Many diseases result in fibrosis, the thickening or scarring of tissue. With no cure in sight, it is one of the major causes of death in the world. In order to facilitate earlier diagnoses and stop disease progression, Roche Diagnostics is collaborating with leading experts from Nordic Bioscience.

Fibrosis does not discriminate between any tissues of the body. It can affect any organ by causing wounds to excessively heal, leading to scarring and hardening of vital organs, such as the lungs, kidneys, liver or the heart1. The excess tissue can disrupt basic organ function and may lead to cancer or heart failure.

We are working with leading experts in fibrotic diseases to accelerate the diagnosis and treatment of fibrosis. Nordic Bioscience specialises in developing biomarkers of the extracellular matrix (ECM). These non-cellular components are part of healthy tissue, but when dysregulated due to disease, fibrotic scar tissue may form2. Measurements of ECM can be used to identify the early fibrosis indications and the effectiveness of potential treatment.

With this collaboration, we aim to significantly improve patient care across many areas, from various cancers to cardiovascular, pulmonary and fatty liver disease3. “We are quantifying essential processes of biology with Roche that are part of many disease indications,” says Morten Karsdal, CEO of Nordic Bioscience. By measuring the extent of fibrosis, we can determine the success of treatments and if needed, promptly search for alternative solutions.

Ultimately, our goal is to not only enable personalised treatment but also to simplify the process with tests that can be used at a lower cost. This can significantly increase access for patients and help fast-track a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Imagine a future where a doctor can be confident a treatment is going to work for the individual patient. This is the vision for our collaboration with Nordic Bioscience.

Through our combined scientific knowledge, access to global markets and automated platforms, we will be able to produce and run tests to see the compatibility of treatments for individual patients. This means that doctors will not only be able to detect diseases earlier but can also identify a personalised treatment - giving reassurance to patients and a far smoother experience.

At Roche, we strive to deliver state-of-the-art diagnostic solutions that help transform healthcare. That is why we value external innovation just as highly as its own internal development. Learn more about why we are theand our(including biomarkers in disease areas, clinical chemistry and immunochemistry, decentralised testing, molecular diagnostics, tissue/haematology/urine diagnostics and coagulation testing and workflow automation, data analytics and decision support).


  1. Sofias AM, De Lorenzi F, Peña Q, Azadkhah Shalmani A, Vucur M, Wang JW, Kiessling F, Shi Y, Consolino L, Storm G, Lammers T. Therapeutic and diagnostic targeting of fibrosis in metabolic, proliferative and viral disorders. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2021 Aug;175:113831.

  2. Walraven M, Hinz, B. Therapeutic approaches to control tissue repair and fibrosis: Extracellular matrix as a game changer. Matrix Biology. 2018; 71–72: 205-224.

  3. Wynn TA. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of fibrosis. J Pathol. 2008 Jan;214(2):199-210.

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