A new future

Chheuy Rachang from Cambodia had a simple dream – to receive a high school education. But his parents – farmers, with four other children to care for – did not have the money to continue supporting him through school.

During grade 9, Rachang heard about Child’s Dream, a charitable, not-for-profit association supporting children and young adults related to health, education, leadership, sustainability, peace and justice. Child’s Dream was offering the opportunity of high school scholarships for marginalised children. Rachang applied – and a few weeks later, discovered his application was successful.

“The Child’s Dream scholarship changed my life,” says Rachang. “Child’s Dream supported my education, providing the money I needed to support my extra classes, uniform, food and training sessions. Moreover, Child’s Dream oriented me to be a good student, with clear goals and a clear future, where I always aimed to be an outstanding student in class.”

Child’s Dream was co-founded in 2003 by Daniel Siegfried and Marc Jenni (whose story you can). Its geographic scope includes Myanmar, Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Thailand. In Cambodia, Child’s Dream has built schools and boarding houses, provided scholarships to high school students and university students, run school health initiatives, provided water systems and playgrounds, and supported vocational training centres.

Re&Act – the independent charity that manages the donations raised from the Children’s Walk – established an agreement with Child’s Dream in 2020 to provide quality schooling at primary, secondary and high school level and to ensure a safe and secure learning environment in remote communities in Northern and north-western Cambodia.

By 2025, through the support of Re&Act, Child's Dream aims to build 35 weather-resistant high-quality schools (benefitting 6,000 students), establish 10 state-of-the-art computer labs (benefitting 4,000 students), and provide 350 students with scholarships.

The impact for children like Rachang is significant. Now 19, Rachang has successfully completed high school and now studies at Pannasastra University of Cambodia, majoring in TESOL (teaching English to speakers of other languages).

“The scholarship was such a meaningful opportunity for me because it changed my life to provide a better future,” he says. “I always think to myself ‘Education is a source of wisdom,’ and that still really motivates me to keep fighting for my future goals.”

Rachang (far left) benefitted from a scholarship from Child’s Dream, one of the many children’s initiatives in developing countries that Roche supports through Re&Act – the independent charity that manages the donations raised from the Children’s Walk.

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