Basel, 5 November 2021 - With respect to the decision 795/01 of the Swiss Takeover Board of 4 November 2021 regarding the request of André Hoffmann, Marie-Anne Hoffmann, Vera Michalski, Alexander Hoffmann, Frederic Hoffmann, Isabel Hoffmann, Lucas Hoffmann, Marina Hoffmann, Kasia BarbotinLarrieu, Tatiana Fabre, Andreas Oeri, Catherine Oeri, Sabine Duschmalé, Jörg Duschmalé, Lukas Duschmalé and Stiftung Wolf for determination that no duty to make an offer exists, subsidiarily that an exemption from the duty to make an offer be granted with respect to Roche Holding Ltd (available at, Roche Holding Ltd publishes the following:

Decision of the Swiss Takeover Board

"The Swiss Takeover Board decrees:

  1. An exemption pursuant to art. 136 para. 1 lit. b of the Federal Act on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading from the duty to make an offer in connection with the present transaction with respect to Roche Holding Ltd is granted to André Hoffmann, Marie-Anne Hoffmann, Vera Michalski, Alexander Hoffmann, Frederic Hoffmann, Isabel Hoffmann, Lucas Hoffmann, Marina Hoffmann, Kasia Barbotin-Larrieu, Tatiana Fabre, Andreas Oeri, Catherine Oeri, Sabine Duschmalé, Jörg Duschmalé, Lukas Duschmalé and Stiftung Wolf.
  2. This decision will be published after consultation with André Hoffmann, Marie-Anne Hoffmann, Vera Michalski, Alexander Hoffmann, Frederic Hoffmann, Isabel Hoffmann, Lucas Hoffmann, Marina Hoffmann, Kasia Barbotin-Larrieu, Tatiana Fabre, Andreas Oeri, Catherine Oeri, Sabine Duschmalé, Jörg Duschmalé, Lukas Duschmalé and Stiftung Wolf, but no later than on the day after the announcement of the transaction by Roche Holding Ltd and Novartis Inc., on the website of the Takeover Board.
  3. The fee charged to André Hoffmann, Marie-Anne Hoffmann, Vera Michalski, Alexander Hoffmann, Frederic Hoffmann, Isabel Hoffmann, Lucas Hoffmann, Marina Hoffmann, Kasia Barbotin-Larrieu, Tatiana Fabre, Andreas Oeri, Catherine Oeri, Sabine Duschmalé, Jörg Duschmalé, Lukas Duschmalé and Stiftung Wolf under joint and several liability amounts to CHF 50,000."*

Objection pursuant to Art. 58 TOO

A shareholder who can prove that he, she or it holds at least three per cent of the voting rights of Roche Holding Ltd, whether exercisable or not (qualified shareholder, Art. 56 para. 3 TOO), and who has not previously participated in the proceedings, may object to the decision of the Swiss Takeover Board. The objection must be filed with the Swiss Takeover Board within five trading days of the publication of the decision. It must contain a request and a summary statement of grounds as well as proof of the participation pursuant to art. 56 para. 3 and 4 TOO (art. 58 para. 3 TOO).

* English translation of the original German text.

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Phone: +41 61 687 14 27
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Phone: +41 79 264 39 25
Roche Investor Relations
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Phone: +41 61 68-78503
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Phone: +41 61 68-83894
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Phone: +41 61 68-88027
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Phone: +41 61 68-75284
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Phone: +1 650 225 3217

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