Dr Mark Schneider

Member of the Board since 2023
Zur deutschen Version

Personal Data

Germany, USA

Year of Birth


University of St. Gallen, Degree in Finance and Accounting (Lic. Oec.)

University of St. Gallen, PhD (Dr. Oec.)

Harvard Business School, MBA

Professional experience

Haniel Group, Assistant to Haniel Group Executive Board
Halfen GmbH, Various senior executive positions
Business Development North America, Vice President
Gehe UK plc, CFO

Fresenius Medical Care, Bad Homburg, Germany, CFO

Fresenius Group, Bad Homburg, Germany, CEO

Since 2017
Nestlé S.A., Vevey, Switzerland, CEO and Member of the Board of Directors

Present external mandates

Since 2017
Nestlé S.A., Vevey, Switzerland, CEO and Member of the Board of Directors

Other activities / non-profit activities / memberships

Since 2017
Member, Board of Directors Consumer Goods Forum - CGF

Since 2019
Member, Board of Trustees and International Business Council, World Economic Forum – WEF

Since 2019
Member, Foundation Board International Institute for Management Development - IMD

Since 2022
Member, European Round Table for Industry – ERT

Since 2024
Member of the Advisory Board of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (SEM)

Awards / Honors

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