Drawn to science

The Drawn to Science series was started in 2013 by the Roche Communications Team supporting the company’s Pharma Research and Early Development organisation as a way to tell stories about science and innovation. With the use of scribing—a mixture of witty drawings and voiceovers from real scientists—the intent was to strike the right chord so that audiences would be engaged, educated and enchanted about the cool things Roche scientists do in their labs and clinics to discover and develop medicines. The series was drawn by Simona Ceccarelli, who is both a chemist and an artist working at Roche.

The hand behind the drawings belongs to Dr Simona Ceccarelli, a scientist with a passion for visual storytelling. After eleven years in Roche pre-clinical research—doodling science-themed cartoons on the side—she gave in to her visual side and started a second degree in animation and a second career in Communications. She now leads Creative Services in Roche Group Communications.

Drawn to Science is an ongoing project - the next issue is in production. Let us show you a selection of videos from the entire series.

Draw your kids to science!

To further enrich the "Drawn to Science" series, we invite you to download and print the attached "colouring sheet" and the attached word puzzle to encourage your children and grandchildren to learn more about science—a colourful goal for family fun!

"Drawn to Science" word puzzle"Drawn to Science" coloring page 1"Drawn to Science" coloring page 2"Drawn to Science" coloring page 3

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Drawn to Science videos on Youtube

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