Dave Steele, The Blind Poet


Dave Steele is an award-winning poet, author, public speaker, singer, and advocate for people living with visual impairment. Having been diagnosed with the genetic eye condition, Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) in 2014, Dave found himself not only severely visually impaired, but out of work, depressed and struggling to keep a roof over his family’s heads and food on the table.

Feeling the stressors of financial debt and the loss of his independence, Dave turned to social media to find an outlet for his lost sense of purpose and to take solace in the support from others on his ongoing RP journey. From here, Dave was invited to perform at a meeting for those living with RP and Usher Syndrome. The experience inspired Dave to come up with the idea of re-wording famous songs and turning them into meaningful spoken words that express what life is like when you live with visual impairment. He has an eponymous trilogy of poetry books that has helped him to amass a legion of fans and many notable awards for his ongoing advocacy work.

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